Members catch up

It was great to see so many of you on my latest members-only catch up. It was so lovely to hear how you've all been going, give you a de-brief on my latest tour adventures and get your ideas on what songs I should sing at my upcoming appearance at Canterbury Country. To those whoContinue reading "Members catch up"

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Set list for my NSW Tour

So I'm heading on tour this week! I'll be playing in Cooma, Queanbeyan and Berry with my band, trying out some brand new originals plus a bunch of great cover songs. I wanted to exclusively show you my set list before I hit the road to see what you think! I'll also be including someContinue reading "Set list for my NSW Tour"

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An Overdue Hello

Hi everyone, Apologies for the delay in updating you on everything going on. I caught covid in March and it took most of the month to fully recover. Then it's been a mad rush to get things back on track after taking the time to rest. I've had some incredible gigs recently, trialling some newContinue reading "An Overdue Hello"

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Gig Announcement!

Fantastic news! Live music is finally back on the horizon! You might remember I wrote in this membership last year about my plan to focus on band gigs in 2022... and it's finally coming to fruition. All the gigs I have lined up so far are ALL band shows, and I'm excitedly working away atContinue reading "Gig Announcement!"

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Alibi Live Performance Video

Hot off the press! I've got the final version of the Alibi live performance video, recorded at my single launch last year. This is exclusive to my membership this week, and will go public some time in the future.

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Behind the scenes – new musical project

After a rocky start to 2022, I'm getting back into music with a few new projects. I'm hoping this will give me the motivation boost I need to get back where I was confidence-wise pre-pandemic. You're hearing about this first here in my membership group. I've joined a vocal super-group made up of other artists,Continue reading "Behind the scenes – new musical project"

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My New Showreel!

Hey guys, I'm kicking off 2022 with a brand new showreel which I'll be sending out to booking agents and music festivals to help score more band gigs! I've compiled a highlights reel from my Alibi launch gig at Foundry 616 in Sydney back in June 2021 (juuuuust before lockdown). I had an all-star bandContinue reading "My New Showreel!"

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Join me for Fan Night on CCMW

Hope you're getting ready for a wonderful Christmas! You might have seen that Celebrity Country Music Wiz is back on Wednesday nights. We had Cassidy-Rae and Emily Hatton competing last week, and we have Andrew Swift and Angus Gill coming up this week. Following Christmas, I'm going to be hosting a Fan Night, where youContinue reading "Join me for Fan Night on CCMW"

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Guests coming up on Celebrity Country Music Wiz

I've been organising some awesome special guests to compete on Celebrity Country Music Wiz and you get to know about it first! This week I've got Cassidy Rae Wilson and Emily Hatton, who are good friends who must become rivals for the show. I've got Andrew Swift booked in for next Wednesday night and I'mContinue reading "Guests coming up on Celebrity Country Music Wiz"

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A Christmas Gift For You!

It's festive season again, and I'm excited for all the fun traditions, reunions and over-eating that comes with it! I want to thank you all for your incredible support during what has been an extremely tough year. I've decided to become a virtual Christmas caroller this year and would like to gift you a freeContinue reading "A Christmas Gift For You!"

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